Produsen magnet beton pracetak profesional di Cina dengan pengalaman 16 tahun - Saixin Magnetic

Periode Pengiriman Singkat & Seluruh Rantai Pasokan

Periode Pengiriman Singkat

Kami menjaga inventaris produk terlaris sepanjang tahun, untuk memenuhi permintaan mendesak pelanggan.

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whole Supply Chain

As a leading shuttering magnet and precast concrete magnet supplier in China, SAIXIN has rich experience in producing all kinds of shuttering magnet and magnet for precast concrete industrial from China . We maintains the good cooperation with local mechanical processing factory , component manufacturers and so on , and we have perfessional QC team to control  the quality from sample development to order finished . Therefore we can get the best quality , best price and fast delivery

Spray Coating Factory
the surface of shuttering magnet
Magnet Factory
original material source factory
Pusat mesin
menyediakan berbagai produk berbentuk khusus
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Kami telah merancang dan memproduksi magnet penutup dan rakitan magnet untuk beton pracetak selama 16 tahun
Hubungi kami
Hubungi: Kraft Xie
Telp: +86 13967814013
Email kami:sales@shuttering-magnets.com
Alamat: Gedung 28, Taman Industri Manufaktur Cerdas Yinggong, Desa Heyi, Kota Jiangshan, Distrik Yinzhou, Ningbo
Hak Cipta © 2024 Ningbo Saixin Magnetic Technology Co., Ltd - www.shuttering-magnets.com | Peta Situs Kebijakan pribadi
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